We all know this past year has been tough for pretty much everyone. Despite all the change and disruption that has been thrown at us these past 2 years, many of us are still looking to 2022 as an opportunity to hit the reset button (hello, New Year Resolutions). If balance is something you are looking to promote in your daily life this year, look no further than CBD. Here are 10 reasons to incorporate CBD oil into your New Year’s wellness routine.
1. CBD Encourages Balance
We all have heard the word “balance” thrown around at work, school, life, the grocery store, maybe our therapist. As humans, we struggle with things like balancing our finances or maintaining work-life balance.
Our bodies require balance as well. In science, this is sometimes called “homeostasis.”
Whenever things are amiss within the system, cannabinoid receptors on our cells let out distress signals. The mind intercepts these messages and draws our attention to these imbalances.
Cannabinoid receptors influence many factors of our daily lives, including skin health, mood, and workout recovery. Activating these sensors triggers our endocannabinoid system to promote endocannabinoids.
Endocannabinoids stimulate or bind to cannabinoid receptors. In turn, the receptors change their signals. This process ultimately brings balance (homeostasis) back to the endocannabinoid system.
CBD oil contains phytocannabinoids. These compounds also interact with our endocannabinoid system. Like endocannabinoids, CBD oil promotes homeostasis throughout the body.
2. CBD is Easy to Use
CBD is one of the most versatile additions to your wellness routine. It complements so many physiological functions that you can benefit from using it every day.
Many of us already have some kind of routine: taking daily vitamins, supplements, and medications might already be natural for us. Asha’s Everyday Formula 25 mg CBD Softgels are a great addition to your daily wellness routine. Add the bottle to your medicine cabinet, sort the softgels into your pill organizer, or plop the bottle right next to your toothbrush as a visual reminder for some daily self-care!
Taking a CBD softgel in the evening after eating some dinner is an excellent way to unwind and get your daily dose of zen for the day. These bad boys are made using a proprietary water-soluble nanoemulsion technology, which has been shown to increase the ability of absorption in the body compared to other CBD softgels on the market.
3. CBD is a Fast-Acting Mood Boost
Life’s stresses can pop at a moment’s notice. These curveballs can really take us out of our game and into our heads. CBD tinctures are an excellent way to experience real-time support for your mental state.
Asha’s Fresh Mint CBD Tinctures are fast-acting CBD oil drops. This is one of the quickest ways to experience CBD’s benefits.
CBD tinctures also allow you the freedom to adjust your serving to meet your needs. Plus, they taste so darn good–you can even try them in your morning cup of Joe!
4. CBD Promotes Energy Without the Jitters
The endocannabinoid system has cannabinoid receptors in the brain. These receptors might influence your mood or ability to focus.
Phytocannabinoids in CBD oil help soothe these receptors. This reaction promotes a calming effect throughout the endocannabinoid system. In turn, you are able to perform with mental clarity.
Many of us love our coffee for our daily pick-me-up. Believe us, we love a good cup of coffee as much as the next person. However, too much caffeine can cause you to become anxious and result in physical withdrawals during a comedown. CBD can give you that boost, without the yucky side effects. One of our favorite products is our tasty Best Zen 10 mg CBD Gummies, available in Green Apple and Strawberry Lemonade flavor! Be warned though–if you keep them at your desk, you will be amazed how quickly you go through them.
5. CBD is Good for the Skin
Skin is our biggest organ, so why not take extra special care of it? Skin is so much more than just what we see on the outside—our looks, our age, etc. It’s the barrier that helps keep pathogens out while protecting all the good stuff on the inside.
Cannabinoid receptors act as the guard dogs on the inside of the barrier. They lie beneath the skin, waiting for any potential threats.
Whenever pathogens enter the system, cannabinoid receptors alert the endocannabinoid system. In turn, we may experience temporary discomfort.
CBD topicals are an excellent way to nourish your skin while soothing cannabinoid receptors. Phytocannabinoids are lipids, which help give your skin cells structure. Plus, using CBD topicals allows for targeted care.
Just rub Asha’s Relief & Rejuvenation Organic CBD Salve (in Lavender Eucalyptus scent) directly into the area in need of TLC, and let those day spa smells in a jar give you the relief you need. Phytocannabinoids and other skin-rejuvenating botanicals will penetrate the skin so you can recapture your healthy, natural glow.
6. CBD Helps Support Healthy Joints and Muscles
CBD is excellent for daily joint support or spur-of-the-moment post-workout recovery. Phytocannabinoids target cannabinoid receptors within problem areas.
CBD influences the cannabinoid receptor to have the opposite effect it’s promoting. This homeostasis is why so many people use CBD oil to support healthy joints and reduce everyday muscle soreness.
Some of us really like to massage our achy joints and muscles. Enhance the power of touch by incorporating Asha’s CBD Recovery Cream in Cool Menthol into your self-care routine.
This natural formula uses a proprietary blend of essential oils to provide a cooling sensation. It’s also enriched with skin-soothing botanicals that boost your natural radiance.
7. CBD Can Help You Catch those Zzzzs
If you are going to be well in 2022, you need plenty of beauty rest. When we sleep, our body relaxes and repairs itself. After a night of healthy sleep cycles, you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.
Unfortunately, stress can keep your mind racing all night. Therefore, your body doesn’t get the rest it needs and deserves.
In addition to our softgels, we recommend getting a nice soak in the bath with one of our most popular products, our Lavender Broad Spectrum 25 mg CBD Bath Bombs. Wash away those worries and enjoy the calming, sleep-supportive organic lavender oil and the 25 mg of premium hemp CBD.
8. CBD Is Non-Habit Forming
Many of us turn to over-the-counter remedies or mask our issues with alcohol or caffeine. While these “solutions” seem like the right answer at the time, they can also have potential long-term effects. For one, they can become habit-forming. GROSS.
CBD oil is non-intoxicating. You don’t have to worry about any potential negative mind-altering experiences that can cause a physical dependency. Plus, you won’t experience physical withdrawal symptoms if you decide to stop using CBD oil.
Full-spectrum CBD oil contains minimal amounts of THC, the psychoactive molecule in marijuana. At such a low serving of THC, full-spectrum CBD oil doesn’t have habit-forming or mind-altering side effects. It just promotes wellness.
9. Hemp is Natural and Sustainable
In 2022, we have been forced to become more aware of how we treat our bodies and the planet. The human race is looking for more ethically sourced, environmentally friendly, and natural products. Many CBD products check off all these boxes!
Hemp is one of the oldest commodities which humans have used since the beginning of time for food, clothing, and wellness.
It takes very little water or resources to grow hemp. Also, different strains thrive in various regions. So, you can grow hemp all over the world!
10. CBD is Fun
Adjusting to new routines can be frustrating and intimidating. CBD is easy and fun to incorporate!
There are so many CBD products that can support a healthy and active lifestyle. You can mix and match your wellness routines to meet your needs and preferences.
Whether it’s enjoying a bath bomb in the evening, adding a drop of the mint CBD tincture in your mocktail, or eating a delish CBD gummy during a stressful moment at work, CBD comes in a variety of modes, all easy to use! If you aren’t sure where to start, no worries! Asha has a whole host of Gift Bundles with a variety of products to get you started.
Let us know what ways you have incorporated CBD into YOUR routine!